Prather Pediatric and Allergy Center - Ask Doctor Brent

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  1. The Bible.
  2. Books by James Dobson (particularly Dare to Discipline, The Strong Willed Child
  3. Raising Positive Kids in a Negative World, Zig Zigler.
  4. How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen so Kids Will Talk, Adele Faber and Elaine Maglish.
  5. Traits of a Healthy Family, Delores Curran.
  6. How to Really Love Your Child, Dr. Ross Campbell.
  7. How to Really Love Your Teenager, Dr. Ross Campbell.
  8. What Kids Most Need in a Dad, Tim Hansle.
  9. Between Parent and Teenager, Dr. Haim Ginott.
  10. The Father of the Family, A Christian Perspective, Clayton C. Bearbeau.
  11. God, Religion, and Family Life, When God is at Home With Your Family, edited by David M. Thomas.
  12. The Key to Your Child's Heart, Gary Smalley.
  13. Kids Who Have Too Much, Dr. Rolph Minear & William Proctor.
  14. Back to Family, Dr. Ray Guarendi.
  15. The Challenge of Fatherhood in Today's World, Hugh Parham Stanley.
  16. The Family Blessing, Rolf Garborg.
  17. You & Your Child, A Biblical Guide for Nurturing Confident Children from Infancy to Independence, Charles Swindoll.
  18. Parenting Adolescents, Kevin Huggins.
  19. Christian Child Rearing & Personality Development, Paul Meier, MD.
  20. Keeping Your Kids Christian, Marshall Shelley.
  21. Guide To Growing A Healthy Home, Mike Yorkey.
  22. Ten Mistakes Parents Make With Teenagers And How to Avoid Them, Jay Kesler (508) 977-4500.
  23. Children at Risk, Dr. James Dobson & Gary Bauer (508) 977-4500.
  24. Things We Wish We Had Said, Tony & Bart Campolo (508) 977-4500.
  25. Building Your Child's Faith, Alice Chapin.
  26. Parenting With Love & Logic, Foster Cline, MD & Jim Faye.
  27. The Power of Positive Parenting, Dr. William Mitchell & Dr. Charles Paul Conn.
  28. Growing Wise in Family Life, Charles R. Swindoll.
  29. Parents and Children, A Guide to Solving Problems and Building Relationships, edited by Jay Kesler.