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Title: The Power of Thinking Big

Category: Positive Parenting


      Think Big is a new and inspiring book written by Dr. Ben Carson.  Dr. Carson is a black pediatric neurosurgeon at John Hopkins in Baltimore.  He grew up in a rough area of Baltimore and was failing in school.  His mother was not satisfied with letting her son fail and inspired him to read books at home every week, to finish his homework before playing, and she limited his television to two shows every week.  This strictness and hard-headedness paid off.

      Despite the odds against him, Ben grew up to finish school and win scholarships and attend medical school and eventually became one of the world's greatest surgeons.  He is a man of great faith as well.  In his book he talks about many cases in which he felt the power of God helping him perform surgery which had never been done before such as separating Siamese twins joined at the head.  In another case he was operating on a child with a tumor through the spinal cord.  He thought that the surgery would be fatal and advised the parents to give the child supportive care and prepare for death.  When he went back to check the child, the parents had faith that the child could be helped and encouraged him to try anyway.  During the surgery he discovered amazingly that the tumor was no longer in the spinal cord but on the side of it and the child is completely normal today.  Dr. Carson's book teaches us that if we do our best and work hard and leave the rest to God, that we can succeed.  Dr. Carson talks about his heroes including A. G. Gaston who is a self-made black millionaire.  Mr. Gaston began his great business empire in a world that was segregated and seemed without opportunity. He, however, saw opportunity.  He started a small business with burial insurance costing 25 cents a week.  From there he built a great financial empire and has helped others through his success. 

      Dr. Carson sums up his advice to young people in three points,

1. Never look for excuses, don't surrender to any failure; find a way to succeed.

2. Find your talent, accept it and use it

3. Help other people.


    I especially like his closing point of helping other people and think that's why he is especially successful as a neurosurgeon with a smart brain, skilled hands and a big heart for serving others with the help of God.  I strongly recommend this book to any young person and to any parent for personal motivation, direction and inspiration.